“Collectors of Civil War art don’t expect just good art – they demand authentic historical art.”
– Mort Künstler
Today, many generations since the last gunshots echoed in 1865, the events and figures of the Civil War continue to captivate and intrigue us, and interest in the Civil War has never been stronger. Therefore, in a remarkable joint effort, America Remembers and Mort Künstler, America’s foremost historical artist, are proud to bring you the Mort Künstler Lee-Jackson Tribute Rifle, a handsomely decorated Henry rifle honoring General Robert E. Lee and General Thomas J. “Stonewall” Jackson, two of the most fascinating leaders from the Civil War. To capture every authentic detail in his paintings, Mort Künstler researches weapons, flags, uniforms, and equipment of the era, while spending countless hours consulting with historians and visiting the actual battlefield sites. It has been said that a Künstler painting is like a moment in history frozen in time, and the millions of Americans who enjoy his work will agree!
In creating the Mort Künstler Lee-Jackson Tribute Rifle, both America Remembers and Mort Künstler knew one rifle was the perfect firearm for this issue – the Henry rifle. The legendary Henry Rifle was considered by many as the most effective firearm available during the War and was held in the highest esteem by both Union and Confederate forces.
The Tribute is a detailed recreation of the Henry Rifle, each produced by the incomparable artisans of Uberti, whose master craftsmen have painstakingly reproduced the greatest firearms of history for more than four decades. Each rifle is a working firearm in caliber .44-40 with a blued, 241/4 inch half-octagonal barrel with a tubular magazine.
Each of the six images for the Tribute was hand-drawn by Mort Künstler especially for the design of the rifle’s receiver. The artist selected some of the most popular images from his paintings depicting the camaraderie and military genius of Lee and Jackson, and then tailored them to fit the rifle.
Craftsmen commissioned specifically for this Tribute by America Remembers, have captured Künstler’s artwork in minute detail, with a nickel decorated background serving as the canvas for the artwork. A special blackened patina highlights the artwork for maximum detail.
The images of Lee and Jackson are framed by an elegant 24-karat gold decorated background, which also features stylish scrollwork. Completing the Tribute’s decorations are the polished and 24-karat gold decorated lever, buttplate and hammer. Finally, to identify this Tribute as an authentic and official Künstler creation, Künstler’s own stylish signature is laser-carved into the rifle’s walnut stock.
Only 300 Tribute rifles will ever be produced. We will arrange delivery of your working Tribute rifle through a licensed firearms dealer of your choice. Each rifle comes with our 30-day guarantee of satisfaction. If for any reason you are less than satisfied with your Tribute, you may return it in original unfired condition within 30 days for a complete refund. Your Tribute will be individually numbered from 001-300, and shipped with a matching numbered Certificate of Authenticity, which will confirm your place among the elite rank of collectors.
This exclusive Mort Künstler Tribute Rifle issue is certain to be a prized possession for Civil War and firearms enthusiasts alike. And, with an edition limit of only 300 rifles, we anticipate a strong demand, but you have the opportunity to secure one for yourself – if you act promptly.
Like many historians, Künstler considers General Thomas J. “Stonewall” Jackson one of his favorite personalities of the Civil War and the left side of the rifle presents a stirring tribute to him. The first panel features a detailed portrait of Jackson, grim-faced and determined. For the central panel, Künstler has redrawn key figures from his work, “There Stands Jackson Like a Stone Wall.” The third panel, “The Last Council,” represents Künstler’s unique and unsentimental interpretation of the last meeting between legendary Confederate figures, Lee, Jackson and J.E.B. Stuart, planning their strategy prior to the fateful battle of Chancellorsville.
Three separate hand-drawn Künstler works are shown on each side of the receiver. The right side is dedicated to Robert E. Lee, featuring a portrait of the General, elegantly attired in dress uniform; a recreation of the painting “We Still Love You, General Lee,” depicting Lee’s return to his troops after the surrender at Appomattox; and “Confederate Sunset” from Mort Künstler’s Official Legends in Gray Series. General Robert E. Lee, “Stonewall” Jackson, called Lee’s “right arm,” and James Longstreet, known as Lee’s “Old War Horse,” are shown together after their victory at Fredericksburg, Virginia.
The Tribute rifle is issued under license from Künstler Enterprises, Ltd. ©2015 Mort Künstler, Inc.
Shipping Procedures
Since the “Mort Künstler Lee-Jackson Tribute Rifle” is a working Henry rifle, we will arrange delivery through a licensed firearms dealer of your choice.
I wish to reserve the “Mort Künstler Lee-Jackson Tribute Rifle,” a working Henry rifle, at the current issue price of $2,395*. Each rifle is numbered within the edition limit of 300 and is accompanied by a Certificate of Authenticity. Thirty day return privilege.
Please charge my credit card a deposit of $195 per rifle. I will pay the balance at the rate of $100 per month, with no interest or carrying charge.
* All orders are subject to acceptance and credit verification prior to shipment. Sales tax is required in certain states and will be added. Shipping and handling will be added to each order. Virginia residents please add sales tax.